Plant The Anthurium

Better known as the Flamingo plant because of its characteristic foliage and flowers, the Anthurium is the ideal office plant it turns out. It helps cleanse the air, requires little care and comes in a variety of attractive colors. No wonder then, that the jury concluded it to be the ideal office plant of the year 2010.

Dutch Office Plant Of The Year 2010: The Anthurium

The Dutch office plant competition was conceived in a friendly spirit. Nonetheless it features a professional jury made up of scientists and plant experts from Fytagoras Plant Science, the National Health Institute NIGZ and members of the Dutch Association of Executive Secretaries (NVD). The message being that plants in the office are a must, and have real and tangible benefits for the workers there. A fact that has been repeatedly documented by now, but hasn’t reached everybody just yet.

TNO, a large independent Dutch research organization of which Fytagoras Plant Science is a subsidiary, has done extensive investigations of office areas around the country. One of the outcomes of that research is the finding that people who work with the computer for more than four hours a day, are more productive when they are in the presence of plants. Moreover, they feel more comfortable as well. Based on the study, TNO advised employers to place at least two plants per 12 square meters of office space.